Lakehurst Singles - Cupid Dating in United States

Here are single women and men who recently logged in or registered at this Canada dating site resided in Lakehurst of United States. To view and chat singles at Lakehurst, please click on each profile below and send them a message. If you have not signed up yet then please click on Sign up button above.

Emily1010, 19981010, Lakehurst, New Jersey, United States
Lakehurst, New Jersey, United States
Living situation:
With roommate(s)
Hoping to find love and caring.
About yourself:
I say what I mean and mean what I say. I am witty, have a great sense of values, morals and humor. I am attractive and independent lady. I love vollyball, football, soccer, Olympic Games…..I'm a confident, easy going, intelligent, intellectual, passionate
Looking for:

Wonder if we really know what we're looking any case, I would have to say that I am looking for a man that I can't live without. The one that is in my thoughts first thing in the morning and is my last thought before I fall asleep. The one that makes my heart skip a beat. He is a great communicator and listener. He is my best friend and lover. He is passionate, strong, confident, intelligent, witty, loves music, travel, great conversations, loves the outdoors, animals, children, great friends and family. He is the one that stands by me for I will always stand by him. He is the one that has been looking for me for I have been looking for him. He has good morals and values. He is honest, sincere, loyal with a great sense of humor. He knows where he's been, where he's at and where he is going. He looks at the positive side of everyone and everything, he's respectful of others, fit, looks after himself and he's attractive. He has the most incredible touch, he's sensual and looking for just one and hopefully that one is ME.

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